Harley Street Fertility Treatment At The Westlake Clinic
Suffering from fertility issues?
You are certainly not alone. Difficulty conceiving is much more common than you may realise. Infertility is more common than you may realise.
About one in six couples experience some difficulty in achieving a pregnancy and having a baby, but the good news is that we can help over 70% of them.
Not sure if there is a fertility problem?
In general, if you have had regular, unprotected sex for a year without falling pregnant, then you may have a fertility problem.
Difficulty in concieving can be extremely demoralising.
There can be a number of reasons why you are not getting pregnant. It can be caused by a number of factors including blocked fallopian tubes, a tilted uterus, scar tissue due to endometriosis, poly cystic ovary syndrome, or unexplained infertility to name just a few.
Our fertility treatment is tailor made to suit your needs. We can even increase your chance of conceiving if undergoing IVF.
Rather than drug therapy alone, scientific studies have now shown that an holistic approach to infertilty greatly increases your chances of conceiving.
Our unique infertility treatment includes a combination of both eastern and western intervention including medication, specialized abdominal massage, stress reduction, acupressure, counselling and reflexology to assist in stimulating the body's natural hormones and increase blood flow to the reproductive organs. This treatment dramatically increases your chances of concieving to over 70%.
The Chinese have known for centuries that abdominal treatment alone for instance is a way of unblocking the fallopian tubes. It assists in loosening entangled tissue and frees the reproductive organs.

List of Therapies at The Westlake Clinic
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
Contact A Therapist
For more information on Fertitilty treatment, please contact one of our therapists who are experienced in this practice.
The Westlake Clinic
The Westlake Clinic, 1-7 Harley Street, London, W1G 9QD.